Future versions will be available by mail order and from retail outlets (card shops)
as standalone applications for both Macintosh and Windows. Registered users of
v.3.0 will receive a free upgrade by e-mail or by sending a SASE mailer & diskette.
Release Date: 11/15/95
Price: Shareware: $5.00
NOTE: Just hit return when prompted for a Password.
Welcome to the MAGICard Companion, a database of information for fans of the highly addictive collectible card game, MAGIC: The Gathering (tm). Version 3.0 contains 4 separate layouts: PRICEbase, CARDbase, STATbase, and Want List.
The database has been upgraded to include the following card sets: (*added since v2.0)
Arabian Nights* 4th Edition
Antiquities* Chronicles
The Dark Ice Age
Legends* Homelands*
Fallen Empires* Promotional cards*
The following information is included for each card: description, type, color, casting cost, rarity, price, changes made to the card over time, whether it is restricted or banned from tournament play, and sets in which the card is included.
Version 3.0 will now calculate not only the total card count and total worth of your entire collection, it will also calculate the worth and card count of any particular set of your collection. And it will allow you to view all cards, a particular set, or a particular type of card (black, blue, green, red, white, multi-color, land, artificat).
Version 3.0 now includes the ability to create a want list which can be printed with the press of a button. The Want List layout includes the card's name, set name, rarity, price, #of cards you own, and field to indicate how many copies of the card you desire to add to your collection. The want list can be printed with the touch of a button.
Version 3.0 includes an updated price guide for each card set.
Registration & Upgrades
Improvements are being made to the MAGICard Companion every day. A database of effective card combinations, COMBObase, will soon be added.
Future versions of MAGICard Companion will be available as stand-alone clickable applications for both the Mac and Windows platform. Versions later than 3.0 will only be available via mail order or from retail outlets (card shops). However, registered users will receive a free upgrade to the retail version, v4.0, so please provide an e-mail address and postal address with your registration payment so we can send you an upgrade notice. Upgrades will be available to registered users in one of 3 ways:
1) by e-mail on America Online or eWorld
2) by sending a self-address, stamped mailer (not an envelope) with a formatted disk
3) by sending $2 to cover disk, disk mailer, and postage
The registration fee is $5.00. Payment can be in the form of a check or money order drawn on a US bank in US$ or a credit card (Discover, MasterCard, Visa). Please provide the following information:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Format Desired: Mac or Windows
Please correspond with us in one of the following ways:
Digital Diversions Software Inc. (504) 838-0190 • (504) 837-0880 Fax
15 Everglades Street AOL: DigDivSoft • Internet: digdivsoft@aol.com
Kenner, LA 70002 USA
MAGIC Cards for Sale (Boxes, Sets, Partial Sets)
Digital Diversions Software is a distributor of many collectible card games (CCGs). If you would like to be included on our mailing list to receive discount offers on boxes, sets, or partial sets, please contact us in one of the ways listed below.
4th Edition: $79, Ice Age: $89, Homelands: $89
Sets/Partial Sets
Commons: 4th Edition ($14.95), Chronicles ($9.95), Ice Age ($19.95)
Uncommons: 4th Edition ($89.95), Chronicles ($29.95), Ice Age ($129.95)
Rares: 4th Editon ($239.95), Chronices ($149.95), Ice Age ($289.95)
Complete Sets: 4th Edition ($299.95), Chronicles ($169.95), Ice Age ($399.95)
4th Edition — 4 sets of commons — $39.95
Chronicles — 4 sets of commons — $29.95
Ice Age — 4 sets of commons — $59.95
*Sets are shipped in protective sheets and contain no basic lands. All cards are in unplayed with mint/near mint condition.
Add $4 shipping for US Orders; $6 for Canada/Mexico Orders; Outside N. America contact us for shipping charges.
Payment may be by credit card (Discover, Mastercard, Visa) or check/money order drawn on a US bank in US$
Digital Diversions Software Inc. (504) 838-0190 • (504) 837-0880 Fax
15 Everglades Street AOL: DigDivSoft • Internet: digdivsoft@aol.com
Kenner, LA 70002 USA
Distribution &Trademark Notices
Distribution Notice
This database is shareware and may not be sold for profit as a standalone product, however it may be distributed on online services and included within collections of shareware distributed on diskette or CD-ROM as long as this documentation is distributed with it. Any and all distribution of MAGICard Companion without this documentation is prohibited.
Copyright & Trademark Notices
MAGICard Companion™ is copyright 1995 by Digital Diversions Software Inc.
Information contained within MAGICard Companion is compiled for educational purposes from previously published & copyrighted materials from Wizards of the Coast’s collectible card game, Magic: The Gathering. Antiquities, Arabian Nights, Chronicles, Fallen Empires, Homelands, Ice Age, Legends, Magic, Magic: The Gathering, The Dark, and Wizards of the Coast, are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast.
Revision History
v1.0 — 09/15/95 (also known as Magic—The Database 95.10)
Included sets: Chronicles, 4th Edition, Ice Age
v2.0 — 10/06/95
Added set: The Dark
Updated the price guide for all included card sets (over 1000 cards)
Added buttons to sort collection by Name and Set Name
Re-designed PRICEbase layout using enhanced color graphics
v3.0 — 10/10/95
Added sets: Antiquities, Arabian Nights, Legends, Fallen Empires, Homelands
Updated the price guide for all included card sets (over 1800 cards)
Added buttons to sort by Color and Rarity
Added layouts: CARDbase, STATbase, Want List
Added the following information for each card: description, casting cost,